Catching up with Aussies, shopping and at the Ballpark

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Today was a designated late start, so I got to catch up with the blog, and then we headed towards Fisherman’s wharf as we were catching up with others for lunch.

Stopped at Boudins Bakery for a look around and some coffee.

The sell all manner of shapes of sourdough   



This little fella rocked it on the drums



I came ever so close to buying a famed U2 guitar from a memorabilia shop, (or a Signed Nirvana album) and will either be glad for the self imposed “sleep on it” rule, or will be kicking myself in the weeks ahead…

We caught up with Rob, Jen and Liam for Lunch and heard about their travel tales.  Rob and I worked together until I left 8’ish weeks ago.  It was great to see a familiar face, and Liam at 10 month (I am thinking) was an absolute joy.

We ate at a place with a kombi out the front, which I am very partial to.


Rob and I with a frosty one


 We then set off to Union square on a street car for some shopping to the dulcet groans of Ryan.

First stop, the apple store.  I wanted some Bose headphones as they were way cheaper from the USA compared to Oz.  We purchased a couple of other items, and I was amazed at their checkout process.  It was all done on an ipod touch.

With purchases and a smile!    Cash register

Then we were off to the Levi’s Flagship store, Adidas, Gap and we noticed Ryan starting to flag from the shopping experience, so we made a plan for Sue to come back in the morning solo.

We wanted to head back on the cable car.  As we topped the crest of a hill, I spotted alcatraz, and needed to get a pic.  I stood up to hang off the side of the cable car to take my pic, forgetting that I had grabbed my backpack back from Tegan and had it on my lap.  Now my seat was facing outward, so it flew off my lap, and onto the road.  We stopped at a stop within 20 metres, so I said to Sue and to the driver behind her, don’t worry about me, will see you shortly, I will catchup.   The driver was nice enough to see me running back towards the traffic coming, to stay in place to stop cars driving and for me to make it back.  I could feel the eyes peering at me as I jogged back from those standing at the back of the car, as I put my hand up aka football player who acknowledges their mistake, whilst saying, “There’s always one, hey”

Hanging the side of the cable car


Very steep streets


We got back for so rest and freshen up time before heading off to the ball game.  We were off to see the Giants host the Rockies at AT&T Park.

It was a fantastic night.  Last time I came here, I froze, and I think I scared the family with how cold I was (and Dad doesn’t get that cold that easy, especially when I had the winter coat on until recently)

All of the family had so much fun.  It was so entertaining with the music, chants, videos and food merchants strolling up the aisles.


Tony Bennett called the “play ball” and sang a song – he is still going strong at 85!

We had great seats!


Us in the stands



The food vendors kept coming!