Big smiles, stupid skype & pizza night

Friday October 28, 2011

Friday is the day the both Sue and I are at home, and if I don’t get under her feet too much, they are great days.  After I had done the school drop offs, Sue notices that Tegan had left her swimming bag at home.  Training was after school (at school), so no biggy, I was heading to the gym in the morning and could drop it in on the way.

I was unsure to to drop off at the office or classroom (memories of a “strange” tupperware lunchbox setup being dropped to the door by my Dad, and my year 6 teacher having a dig at me didn’t escape my decision process).  When I parked up, I noticed it was the morning break as all the students were out and about, so I decided to have a stroll “towards” Tegan’s class.  I had just got in sight of the handball courts in front of her class room and she appeared in front of me, full of excitement and smiles.  After we said our goodbyes, she was hurtling back towards her friends as she had only just realised before my arrival that she didn’t have her swim gear.

I am still smiling when I think about her excited look when she saw me.

Said swim gear bag

I have also been dragging out the task of clearing out the wardrobe after reducing the waist size.  It was on this weeks list so away I went, and man there is a lot of stuff leaving the blue section of our wardrobe.  I have piles of clothes on our floor with categories such as bin, rags, charity (which is a huge pile), check size and keepers.  I hope someone will benefit from my January shopping trip in Orlando / New York with barely worn items.

The piles…

Something that threatened to undo the smile Tegan had etched onto my face, was my interactions with Skype.  Now skype doesn’t allow the changing of your account name, you can change your display name, but no go on the account name.  When my account was setup, it was done for my work purposes, so everyone used a standard format.  Company name, first name, surname initial.  So mine would be (fictional example) rollsroyce-seank. As skype is going to be a key contact method for me in the new year, I don’t want the old name on my email sig, but something more appropriate.

So no biggy right, create a new account and let those you want to keep in contact with know of the new account.  Trouble is you can’t transfer your credit you have bought.  Ok so I only have $20 or so credit, so yes I can I can lose that, even though it is poor service.  The biggy for me though,  is I purchased a phone number, with a nice combination of numbers for use one day when I would start my next work venture. Well you can’t transfer it…

What the?  The only option available is to cancel the phone number, and it remains unavailable for 90 days, then you (and others) can try and pick it up.  This was to be my published phone number from January next year, so I no longer have a fixed line number to let people know about.  I am working  though the options, but whilst probably not a microsoft (M$) directly caused issue, it continues my aversion to their company.

Graphic c/- NY Times

Back to my happy place, tonight is Pizza night, and whilst I am not making the bases, it’s great for the kids to select their own toppings for the personalised experience.  Sue was heading out with another year 6 mum for a parents night at a local place, and it so happened that their daughter, Tegan’s BFF could come over for a few hours.  It so happens that the BFF’s mum Lisa, went to school with Sue, as did her husband Steve.  It’s a small world, but I would hate to paint it! (credit Steven Wright)

The pizza’s, for clarity mine is with the green stuff

I dropped song of the day whilst we were traveling and I have forgotten to pick it up. So, today’s song of the day is  Dirty Jeans by Magic Dirt.  I really like this band, and I get a smile recalling when I goofily walked into a green room after their afternoon set a while back, but I will save that story for another time.

Mid week guys catchup

Thursday September 8 2011

I haven’t been to many of the recent “gaming nights” with the fellas, as I am not really a gaming kinda guy.  Unsure why really, when back in the day I dropped a lot of coins into galaga, Gyruss and the like, and I guess I did get motion sickness after sessions on early versions of Doom when the bride and I were living on the Gold Coast, but back on point…

Wade has recently moved into a new place, and invited the guys over for some, pizza, beers and playstation fun.  The pizza and beer meant I needed to trash myself on the treadmill for a while to have some calories in the bank.  It will also be my last run before the Bridge to Brisbane 10k this Sunday.

Five of us made it to the night, including me, and it was great to catchup, check out what a bachelor pad looks like, and assist Wade with anything technical – great work Anthony!

We discussed lots of fun topics including the House Boat trip in December, and whether it was possible to reschedule to an earlier (cooler time).  It was the one weekend that 7 people could make, but with a removal of a planned big life event, it is worth exploring.

Dinner was ordered by the newly setup internet, and subsequently arrived after more chats and laughs.

The playstations then came out!  One was projected onto a wall of blinds  and the other was connected to Wades TV.

Cordless controllers were great for sitting back
in the lounge and looking at the distant big screen.

Big screen setup for the game

Three going up against each other on the big screen.

Whilst I was an easy beat in the all against each other version of the game, it was a nice night out, and I will be keen on being a regular.

Song of the day is Regurgitator – Black Bugs in reference to gaming, and they are a great Brissy band.